A Dry March

Dateline 13 March 2018

I can say that the dawn over the Catalinas was lovely on Tuesday. As the days are continuing to be warm we started earlier but didn’t escape the the noon-day heat. I figured it was a last chance to see if any spring wildflowers would be in evidence given how little winter rain has fallen so we took off on the Sweetwater Trail which has previously hosted a variety of flowers. In contrast to other years, not much was in bloom. We saw evidence that the blue dicks were leafing out but the only flowers we spotted were a single poppy, some fairy duster, and desert zinnia. Still there was plenty to enjoy: the breezes as we approached the saddle, the rocky bench just as our feet were tired, the play of light and shadow as the clouds rolled over.

1 thought on “A Dry March

  1. mitriga

    Thanks for sharing these photos. I am sorry I missed that hike but glad we drove to Payson because we brought our new family member home. See you next week. Donna

    Sent from my iPad




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