August gems

Dateline 21 August 2018. Mt Lemmon Meadow Loop

August on the mountain is when the wildflowers are often abundant and this year is no exception. In addition to the photographic sampling of what was in bloom, I will append a list of some of the flowers grouped by family.

Bean family: Vicia americana, American vetch
Bedstraw family: Galium triflorum, fragrant bedstraw
Borage family: Macromeria viridiflora, giant-trumpets
Broomrape family: Castilleja austromontana, Rincon Mountain paintbrush
Buckthorn family: Ceanothus fendleri, buckbrush
Buttercup family: Aquilegia chrysantha, golden columbine
Composite family: Achillea millefolium, yarrow
Composite family: Erigeron oreophilus, chaparral fleabane
Composite family: Senecio eremophilus, groundsel
Composite family: Trogopogon dubius, Yellow salsify
Evening Primrose Family: Oenothera elata, Hooker’s evening-Primrose
Figwort family: Verbascum thapsus, common mullein
Geranium family: Geranium caespitosum, cranesbill
Heath family: arctostaphylos pungens, pointleaf manzanita
Mint family: Hedeoma hyssopifolia, mock pennyroyal
Mint family: Monarda citriodora, beebalm
Nightshade family: solanum stoloniferum, Fendler nightshade
Plantain family: Penstemon barbatus, bearded penstemon
Phlox family: Ipomopsis tenuituba, slendertube skyrocket
Pink family: Cerastium nutans, chickweed
Pink family: Silene scouleri, simple campion
Saxifrage family: Heuchera sanguinea, coral bells
Spiderwort family: Commelina dianthifolia, dayflower
Vervain family: Glandularia bipinnatifida, Dakota verbena
Wood sorrel family: Oxalis alpina, pink wood-sorrel



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